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The World's Biggest Diamond

Written by Gregory Motton

The World's Biggest Diamond at the Royal Court Theatre Upstairs Jane Asher ( Mrs Thomas ) Michael Feast ( Mr Smith ) ©Alastair Muir

Play Details


Artistic Director 
Ian Rickson

Dates Performed

Friday 28th October 2005
Jerwood Theatre Upstairs

Play Details


An isolated cottage by the sea

Mr Smith and Mrs Thomas, two former lovers, reunite after 30 years. He, now terminally ill, awaits an appointment with death, while she has left her husband upstairs. As a storm gathers, they confront past betrayals and unresolved feelings, battling through a mix of fond memories and bitter recriminations.

The World’s Biggest Diamond is an intense, claustrophobic drama about love, honour, and the passage of time. The play’s minimal cast and setting amplify its emotional impact, focusing deeply on the characters’ psychological states. With a non-linear narrative and moments of tenderness, humour, and frustration, it explores the complex layers of human relationships.


Simon Usher

Photo credit

All images credited to Alistair Muir

Cast & Creative


Jane Asher


Michael Feast


Anthony Lamble