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On Tour

Written by Gregory Burke

Play Details


Artistic Director 
Ian Rickson

Co-production with Liverpool Everyman

Dates Performed

Friday 7th October 2005
Jerwood Theatre Upstairs

Play Details


In a police station cell, two English football fans, Daz and H, kill time before an international match. As they share cocaine and stories, it becomes clear that H, the older of the two, is more than just a casual supporter. A career criminal with grand ambitions, H tries to recruit the younger, ex-military Daz for a mysterious scheme involving passports and an old associate known as “The Echo.” As the two men spar verbally, testing each other’s limits and loyalties, the true nature of their shared predicament comes into focus.

Burke’s play is a taut, darkly comic exploration of masculinity, nationalism, and the criminal underworld that often accompanies international football. Through rapid-fire dialogue peppered with pop culture references and criminal argot, he paints a vivid picture of the “football casual” subculture and its intersections with organised crime. “On Tour” delves into themes of opportunism, loyalty, and the ways in which disenfranchised men seek belonging and purpose in an increasingly globalised world.


Matt Wilde

Photo credit

All images credited to Stephen Vaughan

Cast & Creative


Paul Anderson


Jeff Hordley


Andrew Schofield


Lisa Lillywhite


Paul Anderson


Neil Alexander


Jason Farrall

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