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Lucky Dog

Written by Leo Butler

Play Details


Artistic Director 
Ian Rickson

Dates Performed

Tuesday 14th May 2004
Jerwood Theatre Upstairs

Play Details


Eddie sits hunched over the table, the remnants of a Christmas dinner spread before him, his face etched with the weariness of routine and unspoken regrets. Across from him, Sue pushes a piece of turkey around her plate, her eyes darting between Eddie and the window, as if searching for an escape from the heavy silence that envelops them. In this cramped dining room, every sigh, every scrape of the fork against the plate, echoes the unspoken discontent of a life tethered to unmet expectations and quiet despair.

The play unfolds in the stark, intimate exchanges between Eddie and Sue, revealing the depths of their emotional isolation. Their conversations, laden with mundane details about dog walks and Christmas crackers, gradually peel back the layers of their strained relationship, exposing raw wounds of infidelity, lost dreams, and the relentless passage of time. Eddie’s interactions with Pamela, a figure from his past, cast long shadows over his present, hinting at a life of missed connections and unresolved longings. Meanwhile, Sue’s attempts to maintain a semblance of normalcy, through trivial domestic tasks and forced cheer, underscore her own silent suffering. Through sharp, fragmented dialogue and moments of profound stillness, Butler paints a vivid portrait of two people trapped in the inertia of their own making, their love and resentment intertwining in a dance as old as time.


James MacDonald

Cast & Creative


Alan Williams


Linda Bassett


Liam Mills


Jean Kalman


Ian Dickinson

Assistant Director

Maria Aberg

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