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Haunted Child

Written by Joe Penhall

Play Details


Artistic Director 
Dominic Cooke

Dates Performed

Friday 2nd December 2011
Jerwood Theatre Downstairs

Play Details


Julie is a single mother raising her son Thomas after her husband Douglas mysteriously disappeared for weeks. When Douglas suddenly returns, he is dishevelled and disturbingly claims to have joined a spiritual group that practices mind control through chanting, meditation, and mild electric shocks. Douglas alternates between trying to convince Julie and Thomas to join the group and expressing doubts about his newfound beliefs. As Douglas’s bizarre behaviour escalates, including disturbing acts like drinking salt water to “purify” himself, Julie becomes increasingly desperate to protect her son from Douglas’s apparent mental breakdown.

The play explores themes of family, parenthood, mental illness, and the lure of cults or extreme beliefs. Penhall’s realistic dialogue and domestic setting create a gripping sense of tension and unease as Douglas’s instability threatens to upend his family. The shifting power dynamics between the rational Julie and the increasingly unhinged Douglas keep the audience on edge as the play builds towards an ambiguous but ominous conclusion. Penhall’s understated style and focus on the fragility of human relationships amidst psychological turmoil make for a haunting portrayal of a family in crisis.


Jeremy Herrin

Photo credit

Production image credited to Johan Persson

Cast & Creative


Ben Daniels


Jack Boulter


Jude Campbell


Sophie Okonedo


Stephen Warbeck


Bunny Christie


Jean Kalman


Ian Dickinson


Stephen Warbeck

Want to read the script?



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