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Written by Marius von Mayenburg

Play Details


Artistic Director
Ian Rickson

Translated by
Maja Zade

Part of
New German Playwrights

Dates Performed

Wednesday 10th November 1999

Play Details


Kurt, obsessed with fire, experiments with dangerous substances and becomes increasingly withdrawn and violent. Olga, struggling with her own identity and desires, finds herself drawn into Kurt’s world of chaos. The parents, overwhelmed and disconnected, fail to comprehend the depths of their children’s discontent. The family dynamics unravel as Kurt’s pyromania escalates, leading to catastrophic consequences.

The play explores alienation, violence, adolescent angst, and family dysfunction. The play presents a raw and disturbing portrayal of a family on the brink of collapse, highlighting the intense emotions and destructive impulses that can fester in a repressive and neglectful environment. Mayenburg’s sharp dialogue and vivid imagery capture the unsettling atmosphere and the characters’ profound sense of isolation and despair.


Thomas Ostermeier