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Written by Lucy Prebble

Play Details


Artistic Director 
Dominic Cooke

Dates Performed

Thursday 17th September 2009
Jerwood Theatre Downstairs

Play Details


Jeffrey Skilling rises through the ranks of Enron, driven by his vision to transform the energy industry. The play opens with Skilling’s innovative approach to mark-to-market accounting, which allows Enron to report future profits as current earnings. Skilling’s ambition and charisma lead to rapid growth and soaring stock prices. However, as Enron’s practices become more unscrupulous, the company’s facade of success starts to crumble. The narrative follows Skilling’s manipulation of the market, his complex relationship with colleagues like Andy Fastow and Ken Lay, and the ultimate collapse of Enron, exposing the corporate greed and corruption that defined its operations.

Enron” is a dark comedy that explores themes of corporate greed, deception, power, and the American Dream. Through its episodic structure, the play delves into the moral and ethical ambiguities of capitalism. It uses multimedia elements and surreal imagery, such as employees with mouse heads and choreographed trading floor scenes, to highlight the absurdity and danger of unchecked corporate ambition. The play serves as a stark commentary on the pitfalls of capitalism and the human cost of financial manipulation and deceit.


Rupert Goold

Photo credit

All images credited to Tristram Kenton

Cast & Creative


Tim Piggott-Smith


Samuel West


Amanda Drew


Tom Goodman-Hill


Anthony Ward

Want to read the script?



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