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Double Cross

Written by Thomas Kilroy

Play Details


Artistic Director 
Max Stafford-Clark

Dates Performed

Thursday 8th May 1986
Jerwood Theatre Downstairs

Play Details


Brendan Bracken, a British MP and Minister of Information, and William Joyce, infamously known as Lord Haw-Haw, grapple with their identities and loyalties as they navigate the war’s ideological battlefields. Their lives, marked by stark contrasts and surprising similarities, reflect the complex interplay of identity, nationalism, and personal ambition.

The play delves into their divergent paths—Bracken’s rise within the British establishment and Joyce’s notorious role as a propagandist for Nazi Germany. Through a prism of dramatic episodes, Kilroy explores how both men, each in their own way, distort their personalities to reinvent themselves, presenting a spellbinding examination of identity and ideological conflict. The narrative captures the psychological and moral ambiguities faced by individuals caught in the throes of history.


Jim Sheridan