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Written by Nick Gill

Play Details


Artistic Director
Vicky Featherstone

Dates Performed

Wednesday 6th May 2015
Jerwood Theatre Downstairs

Play Details


In beneverunerstoost, we are thrust into a whirlwind of societal and political commentary through the fragmented monologues of various characters. With its non-linear narrative, the play revolves around a collective voice that critiques contemporary Britain, questioning the satisfaction with the current state of affairs. The characters, though unnamed and fluid, represent a chorus of societal concerns ranging from immigration to economic disparity, each echoing the struggles and frustrations of the common people. Their voices merge, creating a cacophony of discontent and reflection on the promises and failures of political leadership.

The play’s innovative structure, reminiscent of a political rally or public address, employs repetitive phrases and fragmented dialogue to highlight the absurdity and repetitiveness of political rhetoric. The form itself becomes a commentary on the state of communication in modern politics, where soundbites often replace substantial discourse. Through this stylised approach, beneverunerstoost invites the audience to critically engage with the material, reflecting on their own positions within this societal tapestry.


Vicky Featherstone

Cast & Creative


Sharon Duncan-Brewster


Siobhan Redmond


Andrew Woodall


Rory Keenan


Daniel Cerqueira