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Written by Tom Murphy

Play Details


Artistic Director
Stephen Daldry

Dates Performed

Thursday 17th April 1997
Jerwood Theatre Upstairs

Play Details


A country house in Ireland 

Mommo is an elderly senile woman who spends her days in the family’s country kitchen, recounting an unfinished story about a laughing competition in the town of Bailegangaire. Her two granddaughters, Mary and Dolly, grapple with their own struggles: Mary has returned home after a successful nursing career to care for Mommo and attempt to put her life back together, while Dolly faces an unhappy marriage and an unwanted pregnancy. As the play progresses, the complex relationships between the three women are revealed, along with their past traumas, including the deaths of their father and younger brother, Tom.

Throughout the play, Mommo’s unfinished story serves as a metaphor for the family’s unresolved issues and the need for healing and closure. Murphy’s writing, characterised by a blend of humor and pathos, captures the nuances of familial relationships and the enduring power of storytelling. With its non-linear narrative structure and intimate setting, “Bailegangaire” offers a poignant exploration of the bonds between generations, the weight of family secrets, and the search for identity and belonging.


James Macdonald

Cast & Creative


Rosaleen Linehan


Ruth McCabe


Brid Brennan


Laura Hopkins


Nigel Edwards


Neil Alexander

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