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Almost Three

Written by Marcos Barbosa

Play Details


Artistic Director
Ian Rickson

Translated by
Mark O’Thomas

Original Language

Part of
International Playwrights: Brazil (Rehearsed Reading)

Dates Performed

Tuesday 26th March 2002
Jerwood Theatre Upstairs

Play Details


A twilight-lit living room of a house where a man and a woman sit, enveloped in an eerie silence.

The man, gripping his paranoia like a lifeline, fixates on the slightest sound, convinced that unseen threats lurk just beyond their locked doors. His wife, equally tense but seeking rationality, tries to soothe his escalating fears. They discuss a trip they’ve won—a rare glimmer of hope and escape—yet even this dream is tainted by their pervasive dread.

As the night stretches on, their conversations unravel into frantic whispers and sharp exchanges. The man’s obsession with their safety drives him to irrational actions, while the woman’s attempts to inject calm only deepen their mutual anxiety. Their home, a supposed sanctuary, becomes a claustrophobic pressure cooker of mounting fear and paranoia. The sparse dialogue, punctuated by heavy silences, captures the suffocating grip of their situation, creating a chilling portrayal of a relationship strained to its breaking point by unseen horrors.


Roxana Silbert

Cast & Creative


Mark O'Thomas