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Written by Swati Simha

Play Details


Artistic Director
Vicky Featherstone

Dates Performed

Saturday 17th August 2019
Edinburgh International Festival

Play Details


In “AKHROT,” we delve into the heart of a rural village through the eyes of the ACTOR, who finds himself burdened with the task of representing his entire community. The play opens with a solemn ritual, a testament to the village’s deep-rooted traditions. As the ACTOR lights incense and performs salutation to mother Earth, his connection to the land is palpable. Enter the DIRECTOR, bringing with him a mandate to distill the villagers’ chaotic, multi-voiced concerns into a singular, palatable narrative for a metropolitan audience. The ACTOR’s reluctance and eventual confrontation with this task is both poignant and powerful, mirroring the internal conflict of staying true to one’s roots while facing external pressures. This transformation from an individual to the voice of an entire village becomes a poignant commentary on identity, representation, and the struggle against industrial encroachment.

The plot crescendos around a heated village meeting concerning the reopening of a coal mine—a decision that threatens their health and environment. Through vivid dialogue and the ACTOR’s impassioned monologues, we witness a community’s desperation and resilience. The DIRECTOR’s attempt to simplify and sanitize their story is met with the ACTOR’s fierce insistence on authenticity, capturing the raw, unfiltered turmoil of village life. Themes of environmental justice and social inequality are woven through the ACTOR’s portrayal, bringing to life the villagers’ fight against the coal mine and the erosion of their way of life. The play’s form, a blend of realism and theatre of the absurd, coupled with its rich, dialect-infused dialogue, creates an immersive experience that draws the audience into the heart of the village’s struggle.


Bryony Shanahan

Cast & Creative


Taj Atwal


Hiran Abeysekera


Karen Bryce