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A View from the Moon

Written by Khush Chahal

Play Details


Artistic Director 
Vicky Featherstone

Part of 
Live Lunch

Dates Performed

Friday 18th March 2016
Wilson Studio

Play Details


The moon, where Bob and Betty Buckler’s house is, complete with a front lawn, birdhouse, and gardening equipment.

Bob and Betty Buckler, are couple in their late 60s who mysteriously find themselves on the moon, their house inexplicably replicated in this alien landscape. The play opens with Betty’s anxious search for Bob, setting the stage for their disorienting and surreal predicament. As they struggle to make sense of their new environment, the moon becomes a stage for introspection and revelation.

The play’s narrative unfolds through a series of vivid and emotionally charged dialogues. Bob’s initial fascination with the moon’s beauty contrasts sharply with Betty’s unease and longing for their old life. Their conversations reveal deep-seated fears and regrets, particularly about their family and past decisions. The hole in their front lawn and the omnipresent lunar dust serve as potent symbols of the voids and unresolved issues in their lives. The surreal setting blurs the lines between reality and fantasy, creating a dreamlike atmosphere where the boundaries of time and space seem to dissolve.

Themes of memory, guilt, and the search for meaning permeate the play. Bob’s optimism about their situation is constantly challenged by Betty’s skepticism and fear. As they reminisce about their past, the audience is drawn into their emotional landscape, where nostalgia and regret intertwine. The play explores the fragility of human connections, the isolation felt even in close relationships, and the existential quest for understanding one’s life purpose.


Hamish Pirie

Cast & Creative


Paul Copley


Eileen O'Brien


Lee Curran