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A Resounding Tinkle

Written by N.F. Simpson

Play Details


Artistic Director 
George Devine

Dates Performed

Wednesday 2nd April 1958
Main House (Downstairs)

Play Details


The living room of Bro and Middie Paradock’s home

Bro and Middie Paradock’s mundane life is disrupted by a series of surreal and nonsensical events, starting with a peculiar conversation about forming a government. As they navigate these bizarre occurrences, their dialogue, filled with puns and paradoxes, reveals the absurdity of their existence. The play is a quintessential piece of Theatre of the Absurd, highlighting the triviality and illogical nature of human life. The Paradocks’ interactions with a series of eccentric visitors, including comedians and technicians, further illustrate the play’s satirical edge, mocking societal norms and the human condition itself.

The play’s form is fragmented, with abrupt transitions and interruptions that mirror the unpredictability of life. The content is rich with wordplay, philosophical musings, and comic elements that combine to create a satirical yet thought-provoking piece. The living room setting, though ordinary, becomes a stage for extraordinary and irrational events, emphasising the contrast between mundane reality and absurdity.


Bill Gaskill

Cast & Creative


Sheila Ballantine


Wendy Craig


Nigel Davenport


Tazeena Firth


Stephen Doncaster