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A Number

Written by Caryl Churchill

Play Details


Artistic Director
Ian Rickson

Dates Performed

Thursday 12th September 2002
Jerwood Theatre Downstairs

Play Details


A modern, nondescript living room

Salter, a man in his sixties confronts the haunting consequences of his past decisions. Salter’s quest for a second chance at fatherhood led him to have his son, Bernard, cloned. The play opens with Bernard’s shocking discovery that he is one of several clones, a revelation that shatters his sense of identity. As Bernard grapples with this disturbing truth, Salter attempts to justify his actions, revealing layers of deceit and desperation. The tension escalates as more clones surface, each interaction peeling back the complex layers of Salter’s motivations and the devastating impact on Bernard.

“A Number” delves into profound themes of identity, ethics, and the parent-child relationship. Through Salter’s morally ambiguous actions, the play questions the nature of individuality in a world where cloning is possible. Bernard’s struggle with his own identity highlights the existential dread and confusion that accompanies such technological advancements. The ethical implications of cloning are brought to the forefront, challenging the audience to consider the moral responsibilities and consequences of such power. The turbulent bond between Salter and Bernard serves as a poignant exploration of betrayal, love, and the human need for redemption, with Salter’s desperate justifications revealing the deep scars left by his choices.


Stephen Daldry

Cast & Creative


Michael Gambon


Daniel Craig


Rick Fisher


Ian Dickinson